These videos contain either music by, or references to Alice Shields.
Video set to Alice Shields' Coyote (1980)
Direct link:
Click here to buy Coyote on the Auditorium Books CD, "Le Pioniere della Musica Elettronica" (book and CD set).
Video set to Alice Shields' Vegetable Karma (1999)
Click here to buy Vegetable Karma on the Albany Records CD, "Shenandoah: Three Electronic Works." You can also download Vegetable Karma at iTunes: .
Video set to Alice Shields' The Transformation of Ani (1970)
Direct link:
Click here to buy The Transformation of Ani on the New World Records CD, "Pioneers of Electronic Music." You can also download The Transformation of Ani at iTunes: .
Video set to Alice Shields' Study for Voice and Tape (1968)
Direct link:
Click here to buy Study for Voice and Tape on the New World Records CD, "Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center 1961-1973." (Also contains works by Charles Dodge, Bülent Arel, Daria Semegen, Ingram Marshall, and Ilhan Mimaroglu.)
Video featuring Alice Shields and other women composers, set to Delia Derbyshire's The Wizard's Laboratory (1972)
Direct link: http://